Advocacy for One World Government

We are Advocacy for One World Government.Org.

We believe that a One World Government can form a more perfect Global Union, establish Global Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the common Global defense, promote the general Global Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Our organization has been created to bring awareness to a global movement calling for a one world government.

We advocate a one world government system and believe that it is nothing to be afraid of. A one world government is something to be embraced as it is the answer to our global issues and concerns. So many atrocities and injustices have happened in our world amongst each other, that we truly do need one world government to stop it all.
Take a look around the world, look at all of the problems from war, poverty, lack of education, health care and more.

Only a One World Government can provide for a more perfect Global Union, establish Global Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the common Global Defense, promote the general Global Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

The Movement for a One World Government has always been around, but it is time to take it to a real level of public awareness and support. 

We are Advocacy for One World Government. We believe that there can always be a better way to life for ALL and it is time for Global Awareness and Global Change.
Thank you for visiting our Blog and we hope you take something away from our site that may begin bringing Awareness and Discussion to the necessity for a One World Government.

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