Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Advocacy for One World Government

We are Advocacy for One World Government.Org.

We believe that a One World Government can form a more perfect Global Union, establish Global Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the common Global defense, promote the general Global Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Our organization has been created to bring awareness to a global movement calling for a one world government.

We advocate a one world government system and believe that it is nothing to be afraid of. A one world government is something to be embraced as it is the answer to our global issues and concerns. So many atrocities and injustices have happened in our world amongst each other, that we truly do need one world government to stop it all.
Take a look around the world, look at all of the problems from war, poverty, lack of education, health care and more.

Only a One World Government can provide for a more perfect Global Union, establish Global Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the common Global Defense, promote the general Global Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

The Movement for a One World Government has always been around, but it is time to take it to a real level of public awareness and support. 

We are Advocacy for One World Government. We believe that there can always be a better way to life for ALL and it is time for Global Awareness and Global Change.
Thank you for visiting our Blog and we hope you take something away from our site that may begin bringing Awareness and Discussion to the necessity for a One World Government.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Economic View

The World Bank created a great global economic policy outlook for the world in their Mission statement: "Our mission is to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results and to help people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in the public and private sectors"(World Bank).

There are many injustices with the current economic ways of the world. Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have and continue to see little advancement with many economic needs; while many of the Developed Countries have gained their wealth and way of life from the Lesser Developed Countries. No matter how one looks at it, it is an injustice that we are not taking extreme measures to promote the general Welfare of all.

A global government is our only way to solve these issues. Multiple nations have proved since the conception of government that they will not take care of their fellow neighbor. The concept of a government is to take care of its citizens, and a One World Government will have to take care of its global citizens because that is its function and defined nature.

Political View

Politics is a process by which a group of people make collective decisions.

Instead of different nations creating different collective decisions, we need One Government that will form a more perfect Global Union, establish Global Justice, ensure Global Tranquility, provide for the common Global defense, promote the general Global Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity Globally.

It can be done- it starts with Advocacy. One government is good for the people that it governs and this is shown with many of the great governments that take care of their citizens today. We advocate a one government for the world, to ensure we are all citizens of one world under one government, United together.

Religious View

Religious tolerance and freedom needs to exist in our world. People should have the basic right to practice their beliefs without concern. This is a basic right that needs to be secured throughout the world by a one world government. Religious tolerance exists in many nations currently because of their governments.

Religions that advocate the harming of others can not be tolerated. Being that a government is designed to protect its people, a government could not allow a religious following to harm others, because it goes against the nature of the government. Many current governments protect their citizens and their right to practice extremely diverse religions currently, which proves it can be done.

A One World Government can secure the right for people to practice their religious beliefs globally and stop the senseless wars and discrimination over religious beliefs.

Security View

We as a global people have fought numerous wars and have lost numerous lives globally over governmental differences from almost the beginning of time.

In America you will not see the state of New York rise up and start a war with the state of California. The states are united under one government and would never do that. Just as that happend in the United States, a global government would ensure that would not and could not happen globally.

That level of security can exist in the world if there is a one world government that can take the security levels of smaller national government models to a global level.

It is simple logic of security provided by a government on a larger scale. It would be global, it would work, and it is time.

One global government can provide for the security of its citizens, this is proven with the many national governments of the world today.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Feelings of Nationalism are common and are a result of governments' educating their citizens to believe in what that government deems to be righteous and true. If you look at the diversity of governments and people that follow those governments, it is easy to see that neither is wrong; they are all right in the eyes of the citizens that have been educated to believe in their system of values and beliefs. With this simple understanding, one should easily be able to see that feelings of Nationalism may hinder a One World Government. Those feelings and concepts are misguided, and if understood, feelings of Nationalism can easily be felt with a One World Government. Feelings of Nationalism towards a One World Government can be the same as many now have towards their individual country or government. It can exist and it starts with solid discussion and education.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Albert Einstein Called for One World Govt

There is no solution for civilization or even the human race, other than the creation of world government.
Albert Einstein

"Albert Einstein wrote in 1946 that technological developments had shrunk the planet, through increased economic interdependence and mutual vulnerability through weapons of mass destruction. To secure peace, Einstein asserted, “A world government must be created which is able to solve conflicts between nations by judicial decision. This government must be based on a clear-cut constitution which is approved by the governments and nations and which gives it the sole disposition of offensive weapons” (1956, 138). "

This can be found at the below link from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Question: Would you have debated Einstein in opposition to his support for the creation of a world government and felt confident that you were on the right side of the debate-